Best of Sarawak Holiday Packages

Here are some of the best Sarawak holiday packages that include Borneo culture, adventure, and nature:


  1. Sarawak Cultural Adventure: This package includes a visit to Sarawak’s longhouses to experience the unique culture of the Iban people, followed by a trip to Bako National Park for wildlife watching and a visit to Semenggoh Nature Reserve to see the orangutans.
  2. Borneo Jungle & River Adventure: This package includes a trek through the rainforest in Borneo, a visit to a local village to experience the culture, and a river cruise to spot wildlife such as proboscis monkeys and crocodiles.
  3. Borneo Rainforest & Beach Adventure: This package includes a trek through the rainforest in Borneo to see wildlife such as orangutans and hornbills, followed by a relaxing beach holiday at Tanjong Dato.
  4. Sarawak Wildlife & Adventure: This package includes a visit to Sarawak’s Gunung Mulu National Park to see the world’s largest cave system, a trek through the rainforest, and a visit to a local village to experience the culture.
  5. Borneo Nature & Culture Experience: This package includes a visit to Sarawak’s Bako National Park to see wildlife, a trip to Semenggoh Nature Reserve to see the orangutans, and a visit to a local village to experience the culture.


There are many must-see places and must-do experiences in Sarawak, but here are some of the top ones:


  1. Kuching City: This charming city is the capital of Sarawak and has a lot to offer, from historic sites like the Sarawak Museum to colorful markets and delicious street food.
  2. Bako National Park: This park is home to a variety of wildlife, including proboscis monkeys, macaques, and bearded pigs. Visitors can go on guided jungle treks and enjoy stunning views of the coastline.
  3. Gunung Mulu National Park: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its impressive limestone formations, including the world’s largest cave chamber. Visitors can go on guided tours and explore the park’s many caves and trails.
  4. Semenggoh Nature Reserve: This reserve is home to a colony of semi-wild orangutans that have been rescued from captivity. Visitors can observe these intelligent primates up close as they swing through the trees and interact with each other.
  5. Longhouses: Sarawak is known for its diverse indigenous cultures, and visitors can learn about these traditions by visiting authentic longhouses in Batnag Ai or the Annah Rais Longhouse.
  6. Kuching Wetland Cruise: Take a sunset cruise along the Sarawak River for breathtaking views of the city skyline and to witness the local fishermen in their boats.
  7. Trekking: Sarawak offers a variety of trekking experiences ranging from rainforest trails to mountain treks, including Mount Santubong.
  8. Food: Sample Sarawak’s unique cuisine, which blends Chinese, Malay, and indigenous flavors, including famous dishes such as Sarawak laksa and kolo mee.
A proboscis nose monkey on one of the best Borneo wildlife holidays.
family of four smiling in the streets of Kuching
group of smiling kids in traditional clothes demonstrating traditional black and red striped hats
sun-lit wall of a cave with a river running through it and a path along the river
People walk down deserted stretch of the river on this authentic Borneo tour.

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