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In Search of the Red Banded Langur in Maludam National Park

A red banded langur sitting on a tree branch at Maludam National Park, Sarawak Malaysian Borneo. Picture credit to Sarawak Forestry Corporation
A red banded langur at Maludam National Park. Photo credit: Sarawak Forestry Corporation

The Maludam National Park is a totally protected area for a viable population of the Red Banded Langur remaining in the world today. A visit to the national park offers glimpses of this rare monkey. Also there are some 61 other species of mammals recorded in the area.

To get to Maludam, visitors have to drive about 170 kilometers from Sri Aman, bypassing the small town of Pusa before crossing the Batang Saribas by ferry. Proceed then to Kampung Maludam till the end of the coastal road at Triso, a small village by the sea.

This three day and two-night itinerary takes advantage of the stretch of the Borneo Coastal Road, stopping by the local kampungs to experience the culture and interact with the people.

For more information on the National Park, visit the Sarawak Forestry’s website here.

Day One: Getting to Maludam

The group departed from Kuching at 8.00 am, heading for Maludan through the Semarahan Batang Sadong Bridge. They arrived at Kampung Hilir Maludam by 2.00 pm, where they got to enjoy the kampong (village) activities. They explored the grounds of the village, watched a traditional performance by some young villagers and even learned how to prepare kuih sepit.

a long boat travelling down the river to the open sea.
Malay Fishing Boat at Kampung (Village) Maludam

Day Two: In Search of the Red Banded Langur

The group had a quick safety and itinerary briefing before heading for the Maludam National Park at 8.00 am. The only entrance to the national park is by boat to ‘Station 2’ jetty. The early morning boat ride gives the group a chance to admire the tranquility of the protected peat swamp area. On arrival, the travel guide prepares the group for the trails and animals they may see throughout the trip.

The group learns a little about the behavior of the beautiful primate. Unfortunately they failed to spot any and return to Kampung Hilir Maludam at 3.00 pm. At the Kampung, they experienced sea fishing on a traditional fisherman boat. Later they got to see how salted fish, jellyfish, and prawns are dried and processed at the factory.  The group then took a beautiful sunset cruise along the coast of Maludam.

Processing Jelly Fish Kampung Maludam
Jelly fish processed for the market

On returning to the village, they enjoyed a traditional performance called “Bergendang” or ‘drumming’ by the Persatuan Nelayan Kampung Maludam. They then retired to the Kampung Hilir Maludam Homestay for the night.

Day 3: Pasar Tani

It’s bright and early the next day, with the group departing from Maludam at 7.30 am to head to the Pasar Tani Maludam. By noon, they headed back to Kuching, passing through Triso, Pusa, and Sri Aman. The group made a stopover at Fort Alice, Sri Aman before finishing the tour in Kuching.

The Tour Package

The Tour Package of 3 days and 2 nights totaled at RM 1,150 per pax and came inclusive of:

  • An English speaking tour guide
  • Tour van and driver
  • All activities in Maludam village
  • Homestay accommodations for the two nights
  • Boat trip to and from Maludam National Park
  • Sun Set Cruise


This tour is part of Paradesa Borneo’s 5-day Sarawak Coastal Explorer tour package.


The group found the trip to be a great experience, with friendly hosts and good facilities awaiting them at the homestay. As for the attractions surrounding the village and the National Park, they were excited to be a part of the fishing and cultural activities. However the group did not have sufficient time to do the proboscis monkey and crocodile watching experience.

All in all, the Maludam National Park and its surrounding communities are a great place to visit, to perhaps catch a glimpse of the rare Red Banded Langur. If not, at the very least spot other wildlife that thrives in the protected area and enjoy the good company of the people of Kampung Hilir Maludam.

The itinerary for the ‘Search for the Red Banded Langur in Maludam was pioneered by adventure tour company, Paradesa Borneo (One Wayang Tours Sdn. Bhd.).

This is an edited article that was first published in Sarawak Tourism Board Blog on 10/7/2019.
Red-banded Langur photo credit: Sarawak Forestry  Corporation