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Day Trips From Kuching

Day Trips from Kuching; View of Kuching skyline from a boat on the Sarawak River

If you happen to be in Kuching on a work or conference trip, this capital of Sarawak is an ideal base to explore from. As a digital nomad, the city’s surrounding area has a wide enough selection to plan your day trips from Kuching with.

In this blog, there are 32 tours and activities to choose from. True to Sarawak’s tourism offerings, most are nature and culture-based. But this list isn’t an exhaustive one. What we have highlighted here represents the top things visitors do when they are here. Not to mention to the locals as well.

Most of Kuching’s top tourism attractions lie within a 95-km radius of the city. The furthest road distance is 137-km to Telok Melano beach. For consistency, our reference starting point in the city is the Kuching Waterfront

Kuching Places of Interest Map

This Google Map should give you a sense of where the attractions are. We have also curated photos and videos of the respective attractions to go with the markers. Applicable website addresses and contacts are available within the map pins.

Google Map Illustration of the attractions listed in the tables below.

To help you along, we have organised our tabular data based on what are doable.

Jump to more information here:

We have included the transfer time to give you an idea of the total travelling time. This should enable you to build a buffer in your schedule. For instance you may want more time at a place than expected yet wish to get back to the city in time.

For quick reference, we have sub-categorised the list based on your interest/s.

Note that some attractions can involve more than one activity. For example, the wildlife and hiking activities at Bako National Park (NP) go hand in hand. 

Also, you can couple two different attractions if the logistics allow it. Such as combining Semenggoh Orangutan  and Jong’s Crocodile Farm feeding sessions.

Day Excursions

Day trips from Kuching: A family of four viewing orangutan feeding session at Semenggoh Nature Reserve

Half Day Excursions

*The embedded customised Google map above contains pictures and directions to the respective places.

Moving About

It must be noted up front that save for a few attractions, mass public transport to these places are lacking. The total transfer time shown in the tables above is on a point to point basis. In other words, to  use scheduled transport services may turn a half day excursion into a full one.

Your best bet is thus:

  • Hire a car 
  • Order e-hailing service (be aware of round trip availability)
  • Book a taxi (agree on fare up front.)
  • Buy an organised tour

The Semenggoh Nature Reserve has a scheduled public transport service via Kuching City Metro. There is a Kuching H2 (hydrogen) bus service to the Damai peninsula. Where the Damai beach and Sarawak Cultural Village are. But you need to check for interruption as this is still on trial operation.

The Bako National Park jetty is well-served by ‘kereta sewa’ (7-seater van) and bus service. The hub is located next to the Open Air Market near to the Electra House Shopping Centre.

Useful Information

Time is of the essence when making short trips. Hence the operative word is to give yourself a healthy dose of planning and flexibility. Especially when there is a major event in the city or during tourist season (July – September). Everyone will be vying for the same resources in particular among tour service providers.

The northeast monsoon period (November – February) is another consideration. Heavy rain may not deter land trips but it does for boat journeys. Wildlife cruises cannot proceed during heavy rain.

Kayaking activities may be cancelled due to dangerous river conditions. Landslides can close trail or waterfall access in national parks.

Always prepare for afternoon showers and the tropical heat. Pack a rain ponchos and a change of clothes as sweat is the order of the day. For the latter, bring a reusable water bottle to stay sufficiently hydrated. A hat is useful to keep the blazing sun away… And insect repellent to keep insects… read mozzies… at bay.

Be aware that orangutan sightings are not guaranteed as they are semi-wild primates.

Bring back your rubbish as much as you can. This is to reduce rubbish scavenging load in rural places.

As for public transport, we have covered it as a topic above. You may want to download the respective apps if you intend to use them. Kuching City Metro apps at: Google Play, App Store & App Gallery. H2 apps at: Google Play & App Store.

Other Day trips from Kuching

Day trips from Kuching: Loading bicycle onto a 'penambang' row boat

It would be remiss of us not to mention that there is a cool way to fill out your morning, afternoon or evening within the city peripheral. As a pioneer of cycling tours in Sarawak, we have a few interesting Kuching cycling tours to fill your time with. There are 7 kinds to choose from. From heritage tours to Best of Kuching and from sunset tours to a taste of Borneo on bike tours. Booking is done online. Do check us out!

Published on September 13, 2022

Brought to you by Team Paradesa